My name is Ricardo Flores, and I want to get real with you for a moment. For many years of my life, I felt stuck. I knew I had the potential to do great things, but my lack of discipline, vision, positive habits, and the right people around me kept me in the same space. I had a good job, fun friends, and lived in a beautiful town with plenty to do. But I had no direction, no real purpose, and wasn’t feeling fulfilled. Eventually, I got a sales job where financially it was great, I had awesome coworkers, and it looked like I was growing in that company. Things were looking up. However, that lack of fulfillment was still there. I knew I could still do more.
Ironically – or un-ironically – I was assigned a Life Coach at that job. The point was to have someone to talk to and get our minds off work. The more I met with this Coach, the more I opened up about my desire to do more in life. My feeling that what I was doing wasn’t enough. Eventually, in one of our talks, she suggested Life Coaching. She said she saw some skills in me that could translate into being a successful coach. My initial thought was one that most people probably think when they hear those words, “ME?? A COACH?? What does that even mean?”. But for some reason, I didn’t just shut it down. I kept asking her questions about what that entails, how to get into it, the steps I need to take, etc.
The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. The more excited it got me. I started researching programs, what Coaching actually means, what it takes to be a great Coach, and how I can actually become one. I was hooked. After so many years of looking for my place in this world, I finally found my calling. At last, I understood how to put my skills and passions to use.
The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. The more excited it got me. I started researching programs, what Coaching actually means, what it takes to be a great Coach, and how I can actually become one. I was hooked. After so many years of looking for my place in this world, I finally found my calling. At last, I understood how to put my skills and passions to use.
I quit my job, signed up for a course, and haven’t looked back since. Coaching isn’t about being perfect. I am aware I’m never going to be. But I know that when I’m on my deathbed looking back at my life and I didn’t share what I know with others and inspire others to be great, I won’t be satisfied.
So that’s my message and overall mission for you to take away. I want to inspire you to take hold of your life and make the needed changes to create life-lasting results. My coaching isn’t some magical process that will make you successful overnight. That is unrealistic. But what I can offer you is a safe space where your concerns, goals, ideas, and passions are all that matters. We will navigate this crazy thing we call life together and get you to a place of peace and fulfillment.
"I enjoyed my time with a few sessions with Ricardo. He was very respectful and attentive for what I needed support with. It was informative, friendly, and caring. He shared his knowledge and time in a very generous way. I would highly recommend his services because of his level of care and willingness to be available. I did find insight from the sessions that helped me with more clarity, which is what I wanted at the time. I am grateful for the experience in many ways!"